One of the simplest benefits a car owner should enjoy is a smooth, and comfortable ride.Shocks and struts are the most important factor in the equation for a smooth ride. Shocks and struts are reliable, and may last much longer than many other parts in your car, however they eventually need to be replaced too.Shocks and struts should always be replaced at the same time. Unlike some steering and suspension components, the left and right shocks/struts tend to wear down at the same rate. If the left shock or strut is damaged, there’s a good chance the right side also needs to be replaced. For front versus rear, the wear levels can differ depending on terrain and vehicle usage. Most of the time, when front shocks or struts need replacing, so do those in the rear. the exact maintenance schedule for replacing your shocks and struts in your owner’s manual or by contacting your dealer. The general recommendation is that shocks and struts should be replaced every 50,000 to 100,000 miles.
Some factors that let you know it’s about time to replace your shocks and struts.
Bumpy, Bumpy Rides
If you are driving on a rough road, does your car bounce excessively and or bottom out? A bumpy or shaky ride is one of the well known signs that you need to get your shocks and struts replaced. Initially, check your tires to make sure they are not over-inflated. If your tire pressure is correct then your shocks and/or struts are the likely the main problem
Braking Performance
There is instability with braking when struts are worn or damaged.
Steering and Handling Problems
Poor steering response is another tell-tale sign of worn shocks or struts. The steering wheel may be still or difficult to turn, or it may be exhibiting strange noises.
Some cars require shock and strut replacements sometime around 50,000 to 75,000 miles. Maintaining shocks and struts can prevent long-term damage to your car, so it’s always better to be proactive and car smart to get your suspension checked every 50,000 miles than waiting for your vehicle.
Although tire wear is not a clear indicator your tires might show unusual wear patterns. You should let a mechanic further investigate the situation. It may be time to replace your shocks and struts.
Visually Damaged Struts
If you have fluid leaks in the area it’s a possibility when a car needs new struts
Overall, don’t ignore the signs that your car is given you, if you are in doubt, see an automotive industry professional nearby